- Poker Rules and Information - Texas Hold'em - Tutorials - Discussion
- History of Poker
- Poker Variants
- Face to Face Poker Games
- On Line Poker
- Poker Software
- Poker Book Reviews
- Poker Equipment
- Other Poker WWW Sites for Information, Discussion and Links
Basic Poker Rules and Information
Poker is played throughout the world, but it is probably still most popular in its country of origin, the USA. For a good introduction to Poker, refer to the Poker FAQ, which is associated with the newsgroup rec.gambling.poker. Other useful discussion forums are hosted by Two Plus Two Publishing and the United Poker Forum. Beginners may also want to refer to my page on the ranking of poker hands.
For those interested in the History of Poker, especially its origins and predecessors, here is David Parlett's article setting out what is known on this topic.
An excellent starting point to find all kinds of Poker information is Dan Kimberg's Serious Poker Page. Dan also maintains a comprehensive dictionary of Poker jargon, and another very useful dictionary is provided by the Planet Poker site.
Here is a link to Jerry Cooley's Basic Poker Rules, and here is Peter Sarrett's Glossary of Poker Terms.
A very detailed set of rules covering playing procedure, how to deal with irregularities, and so on, can be found on Bob Ciaffone's web site. He provides comprehensive rules for card rooms and for home games. Joe Smith has published a web-friendly version of these rules.
CardPlayer.com is the web site of the fortnightly print magazine Card Player. As well as an on line version of the magazine, and an archive of back issues it provides odds calculators, an online poker analyst, a huge forum, and many other resources. A discounted subscription to Card Player magazine is available though this link.
With the permission of the author, the full text of the book "Poker, A Guaranteed Income For Life by using the Advanced Concepts of Poker" by Frank R. Wallace is available for reading on line.
The book Texas Hold'em for Winners by multiple authors is available free on line from HowTo books.
Pokerlistings is an online poker guide and directory with information on online poker rooms, tournaments, bonuses, rules, strategy and many other resources. Pokerlistings is also available in British, Swedish, Danish, German, Spanish and Italian editions.
The Pokertips.org site gives rules and strategy for Texas Hold'em, general advice on on-line poker, and has useful reviews of on-line poker rooms, poker news and a forum.
e Poker Index provides a fairly comprehensive listing of online poker rooms and networks, with reviews of the networks and selected rooms.
Steve Badger's Play Winning Poker site offers news, strategies and links to other useful information.
OnlinePoker.org provides a fairly thorough introduction to Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Stud and Razz, and reviews some major online poker rooms that offer each of these variants.
PokerOnline.org aims to provide a comprehensive guide to online poker, with reviews of online poker rooms and a collection of articles of poker strategy.
Tony G's Poker News site offers rules, reviews of poker rooms, and a poker news service.
Michael Wittmeier's Internet Poker site has a beginner's guide, rules for popular online poker variants, and reviews of major online poker rooms.
Here is the online version of Stan Sludikoff's Poker Player newspaper.
The International Poker Federation provides poker player ratings and tournament information as well as strategy articles.
The Poker Strategy site provides free strategy advice on low limit hold 'em and 7 card stud, a friendly and active poker forum, and reviews of on line poker rooms.
The Poker TV Guide provides current schedules of television programmes about poker in USA, UK and Sweden.
The Gaming Gurus site includes a collection of rules for poker variations and a guide to online poker.
The Poker Pistols site has poker rules, strategy guides for beginners and advanced players, comparative reviews of online poker rooms and a forum.
The Online Texas Holdem Poker site has information and advice on poker games, especially Texas Holdem, reviews of online poker rooms, ans a collection of other poker resources.
Mike Greenberg's sites Top Texas Hold'em, Top Stud Poker and Top Omaha offer strategy advice on these three games.
Poker Player is a UK-based online magazines offering poker tips and strategies and information on various poker games and players.
The Online Poker 777 site has a useful glossary and offers poker rules, strategy and links to online poker rooms.
The web site Poker Bankroll Blog publishes articles submitted by readers on a wide range of poker-related topics.
The LaunchPoker site offers poker rules, tips, anecdotes and links.
Euro Poker Pro offers advice on Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) strategy, plus online poker room reviews and recommendations, and information on professional poker players and tournaments.
Here is a selection of substantial poker guides in languages other than English, offering various combinations of rules, strategy advice, news, reviews of online poker rooms, tournament information and other resources.
- In Danish: Poker Regler, Pokerkursus.
- In Dutch: PokerTheorie.nl
- In French: Zeb Poker, Partie-de-Poker.com, Guide Poker
- In Finnish: Pokerisivut.com.
- In German: Poker World 24, Poker Institut
- In Italian: Poker.it
- In Swedish: Spela Poker, PokerSpel.org, pokerturneringar.net.
The Estonian site Pokkeriklubi Tallinn has information in English and several other languages about poker in Estonia and the other Baltic States.
Texas Hold'em
The site TexasHoldem-Poker.com provides an introduction to Texas Hold'em Poker for beginners, some pages on strategy, and other useful information and links.
TexasHold-emPoker.com provides Texas Holdem rules, helpful strategy advice, forums and other information and links.
Tyson's Flop Turn River site provides strategy advice for low-stakes no limit Texas Hold'em players.
Greg Mallon's Poker Decision site concentrates on low stakes no limit Hold'em strategy.
Matthew Hilger's Internet Texas Hold em site offers help with general Texas Holdem poker strategy and concepts and includes a useful Starting Hand Chart; also news and a forum.
James Yates has written a useful free Texas Hold'em strategy guide: Introduction to Texas Hold'em Poker.
Henri Junttila's Texas Hold'em Poker 101 site has a large collection of articles about Texas Hold'em rules and strategy, as well as poker room reviews and other information. Readers are encouraged to send in questions to be dealt with in future articles.
Arild Thorsby's NL-holdem site specialises in No Limit Texas Holdem strategy and is available in English and Norwegian.
The poker pages of the Netbettor site include a strategy section with a useful tutorial on Texas Holdem, as well as information and links for various online poker rooms and tournaments.
The Poker Check Raise site provides Texas Holdem rules and an online strategy guide.
Godfrey Daniel's Online Texas Hold'em Tips site offers tips and strategy especially geared to the low limit online Hold'em player.
Greg Walker runs two sites with advice on Texas Hold'em strategy: The Poker Bank and Fresh Texas Hold'em
Texas Holdem Poker - a Texas Holdem resource guide featuring rules, strategies and tips.
The Mastering Holdem site provides Texas Holdem rules and a guide to strategy.
Jason's Texas Holdem Strategies Online site gives advice on playing Texas Holdem from game selection and assessment of opponents to betting, tells and tournament play.
The Beat 6 Max site specialises in providing advice on playing Texas Hold'em at tables with 6 or fewer players.
The Classic Holdem site offers Texas Holdem rules, tips and other resources.
The Hold'em-online site provides advice on how to play Fixed Limit Texas Hold'em.
The Online Poker Beginners Guide site provides advice for beginners, mainly on Texas Holdem.
Jerry Flattum's Poker ABC is a guide to Texas Hold'em for beginners and intermediate players.
The French language Bet-Poker site offers an extensive introduction to Texas Hold'em rules, procedures and strategies.
The Jugar Poker site provides basic rules and strategy of Texas Hold'em in Spanish.
Poker lessons and tutorials
offers poker tutorials in the form of articles, videos and forums. To gain access to some of the material you must sign up for one of the supported poker rooms, for which PokerStrategy.com gives you $50 starting capital.
King Cobra Poker offers a series of poker lessons. The first few lessons are free; to obtain additional lessons you have to sign up through King Cobra to play at one or more on-line poker sites.
Andy's BadVariance site has extensive advice on how to win money consistently in small stakes online Texas Hold'em games.
Dan Strelnick's Poker Mentor site teaches how to play online Texas Holdem for profit. Students sign up through Poker Mentor at an on-line poker room, receive detailed advice and statistics to aid their play, and can submit played hands for comment and analysis.
Rick Braddy's e-book Secrets of Winning Sit & Go Tournaments teaches techniques for success in on-line Texas Holdem tournaments in seven lessons: Fundamentals; Position; Adjusting to changing blinds and number of players; Heads-Up technique; Beating aggressive players; Tells; Bluffing and Stealing.
Sit n Go Pro is an instructional video and handbook by Johnny Rothman on how to win Sit and Go Poker tournaments.
Jason Spry offers an on line Dealer Training course, a less expensive alternative to land based courses for those who would like to run their own poker games or aspire to a creer as a professsional poker dealer.
Bill Fried's book For Winners Only introduces a "Pocket Scoring System" which can be used to evaluate hands in Texas Holdem (and some other casino poker games) and guide you on when to raise, call or fold. Cheater Cards summarising the system are also available.
The Poker Tournament Strategy section of the sure2profit site has a series of short articles about poker betting strategies.
Poker discussion
Nick Kisberg's Cardschat forum offers forums for discussion of card games in general and poker games in particular.
The Bet The Pot Poker site has an active Forum for discussion of Poker topics
Tyler Cruz runs the PokerForums.org site, which provides forums for discussion of poker strategy and techniques, along with various other resources such as poker site reviews and a glossary.
The web site Pokerconduct.com is dedicated to exposing corruption and cheating in online poker rooms. It offers a news forum, chat rooms and a player help desk, offering free assistance to members with problems they may encounter at any poker site, including the withholding of funds.
The Costa del Poker Forum is a poker social networking site where players can discuss poker, join teams and play against each other in sponsor's site.
NeverwinPoker describes itself as an uncensored poker forum, where all your gossip, unconfirmed stories, and comments about any poker scam or scandal are acceptable and very welcome.
Coinflip is a poker news site with a forum and blogs from poker enthusiasts and professionals including Ilari Sahamies.
PokerGob is a combination of poker forum and social network site.
Poukker is a social messaging ("micro-blogging") site for poker related topics.
The following sites cater for online poker players who use Macintosh computers. Each provides reviews of Macintosh compatible poker rooms, discussion forums, and other relevant resources.
- Phil Andrus' Poker Mac site.
- AdioKing's Mac Poker Online and iMac Online Poker sites.
- Mike Jonas' Poker on a Mac
- The Compatible Poker site covers compatibility problems with other non-Windows systems (Linux, WebTV, etc.) as well as Macintosh.
Your Poker Hands - a site where you can submit your poker stories and anecdotes about interesting or unusual hands you have played.
Poker Affiliate World provides information and discussion forums for poker room affiliates - webmasters who advertise poker rooms in return for a commission on the players they introduce.
The JDpoker site has an active French language poker forum.
Poker Variants
While poker players who play in casinos, tournaments and online tend to specialise in a small number of games - mostly Texas Hold'em but also Omaha, 7-Card Stud and a few others - most home poker games are probably still played in the traditional format known as "dealer's choice". The dealer of each hand specifies the poker variant that will be played in that hand. The variant chosen can be anything that is fair and that the dealer can clearly explain to the players. Some of the better known variants can be found listed below, and yet more on other sites through the links provided.
Mike's Poker Pages contain a collection of rules for well over 100 poker variants. Also, around 40 variants are described on the Home Poker Game Guide at onlinepoker.net, which also has various other poker resources.
Jerry Cooley maintains a set of pages on Poker Variants, which he based on the collection maintained by Peter Sarrett. The variants are classified into four types:
Michael Wittmeyer's PokerRules.net provides rules for a collection of poker variants organised by category.
The Mongoose Online Poker Rules site includes descriptions of several Poker Variants as well as links to online poker rooms.
David Lenton's Play Lowball Poker has rules and information for several Lowball games
Here is an alphabetical list of poker variants, with links mostly to Jerry Cooley's pages, and in some cases to other sites:
Yet more variants can be found on the Poker Variations page of the Invented Games section of this web site. There is of course no end to the different versions that can be devised.
There is a separate page for Video Poker information and links.
Face to Face Poker Games
The All Vegas Poker site provides a comprehensive resource for poker players visiting Las Vegas, Nevada, with poker room reviews, news and tournament schedules.
The Guide to London Poker Rooms provides a listing of poker rooms in London as well as casinos that have regular poker games and tournaments.
The London Poker Guide provides up to date information about live poker tournaments in London, as well as other poker information.
Livepokerguide.co.uk is a directory of UK poker clubs and casinos with live poker games.
UK Poker Buddies is a community site for live poker players, offering comprehensive listings of live cash games, tournaments and infomation on where to play poker locally in the UK.
The Poker Experience Company is a UK-based company that organises poker events and workshops for corporate and charity events and private parties.
The Pokertoernooien site carries information about forthcoming live poker tournaments in the Netherlands.
PokerMundo.es is a directory of Spanish poker players and a place where players can meet and interact, and find private poker clubs and poker tournaments all over Spain.
The Poker Search site is a guide to Casino poker in the USA, which aims eventually to expand to give worldwide coverage.
Poker USA is a guide to casinos in the USA that offer poker games, with addresses and reviews, organised by state.
Pokeroi.com provides another directory of casino poker in the USA.
Your Poker City gives information about dates and venues of live Texas Hold'em tournaments in Manchester, UK.
Pokertourchallenge.com is the Italian language site of the Associazione Poker Sportivo Texas Hold'em, devoted to demonstrating that poker is a game of skill, it carries poker advice and information about the association's live poker tournaments in Italy.
The Chip Sharks site offers the facility for poker players looking for face to face games to contact other players and find games in their local area.
Truplayers.com is a poker social networking site that allows members to create listings for their poker games, invite local players and friends, and find nearby poker games. Initially USA, Canada and UK are supported, and there are plans to add more countries and proved localized versions.
PokerEh.com provides information about Poker in Canada, including tournaments and a service for finding and hosting home games.
The Hands On Poker site lists information about local poker games in the USA and Canada, covering home poker games, brick and mortar poker establishment events, and online poker tournaments.
The Kick Ass Poker site, home of the Atlanta Poker Club, has news, strategy articles, poker information and information about local tournaments.
All In Poker Tournaments specialises in hosting poker tournaments for charities, corproations and private clubs in Georgia, USA. Their web site also provides news on poker in Georgia, and many other resources.
Poker Eagles (formerly Blacksburg Poker) provides information on how to host home poker games. It also proveds poker rules and strategy advice for players of all skill levels, plus a forum and various quizzes and other forms of poker entertainment.
Mega Poker organises monthly Texas Holdem tournaments in Beverwijk, Netherlands. The site also includes poker rules and other information in Dutch.
Pokerlistings.com provides a list of sites with information on face to face poker tournaments.
Richard Albrecht's Poker Parties Inc organises poker tournaments and casino theme parties anywhere in the USA. They specialise in corporate events and will also organise private parties or rent equipment, trained dealers and staff to host any occasion.
The Home Series of Poker site provides a free service by which the organisers of home poker tournaments can record by league and season and create player statistics and rankings.
K9Poker.com provides a directory where you can find local players, home games and face to face tournaments in the USA, and announce your own games and tournaments.
On the City Poker Games site, players can find home poker games listed by city, mostly in the USA. If their city isn't listed, then they can go to "other cities" and search by zip code.
Pokermashup is a map based site listing live real money poker games in the USA. By entering a ZIP code you can find the nearest listings with driving directions.
LocalPokerList provides a service to help local poker players in the USA to find and host local poker games.
Poker Reizen is a Dutch poker travel site with information about poker events worldwide and how to get there.
The World Series of Poker site provides information about this tournament, as well as some historical information about WSOP and a tournament poker strategy guide.
EPT seasons.com provides news and information about the European Poker Tour.
Live at the Bike provides live webcasts of real cash poker games with commentary.
Poker Video Online has a collection of poker related video clips, including scenes from games, short tutorials and tricks with cards and chips.
PokerTVideos is a collection of videos clips of various live poker events, taken mostly from YouTube.
On Line Poker
Mark Madner has written a useful overview of Online Poker and its history.
In October 2006 the US government passed legislation restricting banks from dealing with online gambling sites. As a result several major online poker rooms have stopped accepting deposits from US players. Anthony Von Ducci is organising an online petition to legalize online poker in the USA.
OwnTheCards.com is a free server on which you can play Texas Hold'em with friends over the Internet. Play is for chips - it is up to the players whether to play for fun or to settle up in real money afterwards. There is no charge to download and use the software and no rake.
An older and less user friendly application that also allows live Poker play with other players over the Internet is the IRC Poker Dealer. Further information about this service can be found on the IRC poker page of the rec.gambling.poker FAQ.
If you want to play online for money with strangers, you will need an poker room that handles the money trasactions for you as well as just the play. Below are some of the many commercial rooms that provide this service. They normally take a small amount, the rake, out of each pot to finance their operations.
Everest Poker
is an on line poker room whose interface is available in 15 languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Everest Poker offers the widest selection of satellites to the WSOP, WPT, and EPT main events. With their international focus, they also run satellites to many of the local European tournaments. Since Everest is a growing room, there are fewer players and a better chance to win your buy-in to these events. The Everest Poker School, established in 2005, provides a tutorial and a training room for beginners.
Bwin poker is the poker room of the Austrian-based Bwin online gaming company. It is available as a downloadable Windows of Mac program or as a Java client, so users of Macintosh and Linux computers are welcome. Formerly known as Betandwin.com, Bwin was founded in 1999, and in 2006 they completed the acquistion of the Ongame poker network, which was founded in 1999 by professional Swedish poker players Oskar Hörnell and Claes Lidell. This network has offered real money poker games since 2001 under various brand names including PokerRoom.com, EuroPoker.com and HoldemPoker.com. The interface is available in 22 European languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Polish and Russian, enabling players from many countires to play Texas Hold'em, Seven Card Stud, Five Card Draw or Omaha together, at any time of day or night.
Full Tilt Poker offers a wide variety of poker games including No Limit, Pot Limit, and Fixed Limit Hold 'em as well as varieties of Omaha, Stud, and Razz. There are ring games, Sit & Go tournaments, and multi-table tournaments. Software downloads are available for both Mac and PC. You can enroll free at the Full Tilt Poker Academy for poker lessons and challenges from the professionals.
Skill-based Texas Hold'em. Play U.S. Legal Skill-based Poker. Get $25 for First Time Users. DuplicatePoker.com
. By offering a version of Texas Hold'em in which players' results are based entirely on comparison with the reults of players who are dealt identical cards on other tables, in a style similar to Duplicate Bridge, DuplicatePoker.com have created a skill-based poker game which although played for money is not classed as a gambling game, and is therefore claimed to be legal in most US jurisdictions.
A member of the Everleaf network, Yoy Poker offers Texas Hold'em, Omaha High, Omaha Hi-Lo and 7 Card Stud.
Spin32 Poker offers a range of poker games for fun or real money: Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi-Lo, 7-card Stud, 7-card Stud Hi-Lo, A-5 Lowball, 2-7 Lowball and Badugi. Several other games including Euchre, Blackjack, Caribbean Stud and various forms of Video Poker are also available.
PartyPoker.com, launched in 2001 was for a while the world's fastest growing online poker site. It offers a variety of games and tournaments. There is a "party points" loyalty scheme: these points are awarded per real money deal played, and are used to qualify for tournament entry and to access various promotions. As a bonus for new members, Party Poker will match your cash deposit up to a maximum of $500 - this bonus money is released as you earn party points by playing.
Note: to comply with French gaming law, real money players players in France should use the separate French site PartyPoker.fr.
Note: to comply with French gaming law, real money players players in France should use the separate French site PartyPoker.fr.
Licensed in Panama, Poker Host offers Texas Holdem and Omaha. They accept US players and offer to host private tournaments for afilliates.
Walker Poker offers 12 online poker games: Texas Hold'em, Badugi, 2-7 Lowball, A-5, 5-card stud, 5-card draw, Razz, 7-card stud, 7-card stud hi-lo, H.O.R.S.E, Omaha, Omaha hi-lo.
Noxwin Poker features Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or better, Soko (5-card stud with 4-flushes and 4-straights), 7-card stud, 7-card stud hi-lo, 5-card draw, 2-7 triple draw, Americana and Telesina. It offers torunaments, cash rewards for regular players and a bad beat jackpot.
A member of the Digital Gaming Network, PokerEon offers Texas Holdem, Omaha, 7 Card stud and 5 Card Draw poker, plus a range of tournaments.
As well as an online poker room, GutShot.com
offers daily poker articles, event coverage, an odds calculator, a beginners guide, and a place to list own home games. Gutshot also runs a poker club in Clerkenwell Road, London, England.
Titan Poker is the leading poker room in the PlayTech 'iPoker network', and provides interfaces in English, French, German and Italian. New players who use the bonus code SHPAGAT with their first deposit will be given a free copy of the Gamecalc odds checker program as well as $100 match bonus up to $500.
Bet365 Poker is a member of the iPoker network offering Texas Hold'em Stud Poker and Omaha. There are regular freeroll tournaments as well as the regular iPoker tournaments and promotions. Customer support is available in 25 languages. Players from the bet365 poker room also can wager in the sportsbook, casino and bingo room by use of the bet365 common wallet. bet365 will match 100% up to $500 in free cash for all new depositors, and new players will automatically earn points towards the VIP program based on every hand dealt.
Tiger Gaming provides on line Texas Holdem, 7-Card Stud and Guts games. Also Pan, Chinese Poker and Big Two.
UltimateBet offers a range of free poker games - not for money - at UltimateBet.tv and poker games for money at ultimatebet.com.
Poker4Ever, licensed in Malta, offers Texas Holdem, Omaha and 7 Card Stud.
Launched in 2004, Noble Poker offers Texas Hold'em and Omaha games at various levels and limits. It is part of the iPoker network, using PlayTech software. Guaranteed prize pools of $200, $500 and even $2500 with low buy-ins are offered daily, plus satellite tournaments, giving winners the chance to participate in major poker events worldwide.
Pitbull Poker is an independent poker room offering Texas Holdem and Omaha games using Flash technology, so that no software installation is needed to play. They offer a Poker Leagues feature, in which players compete against each other and are ranked based on their final positions over a series of Tournaments, the top players sharing in an overall prize pool at the end of each season.
At Bamba Poker you can play a wide selection of Poker games for Euros: Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Ohama Hi-Lo, Soko (5-card stud with 4-flushes and 4-straights), 7-Card-Stud, 7-Card-Stud Hi-Lo, 5-Card-Draw and Deuce to Seven Triple-Draw. Also two stud variations using a 32-card deck: Americana and Telesina. Most players are from Scandinavia but players from all over the world can take part. The interface is available in English, Danish and Swedish, and soon in Italian, Russian, German and Finnish as well. There is a progressive Bad Beat Jackpot that is often larger than EUR 5,000, and a VIP point shop where you can buy books, Ipods, casino trips, etc. for VIP points. Bamba Poker is a member of the Entraction Network, formerly known as the 24H network and as B2B poker.
Moxpoker.com and 24h Poker
are also members of the Entraction network offering Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Ohama Hi-Lo, Soko (5-card stud with 4-flushes and 4-straights), 7-Card-Stud, 7-Card-Stud Hi-Lo, 5-Card-Draw, Deuce to Seven Triple-Draw, Americana and Telesina. The interface is available in nine languages.
Founded in 2009, Winner Poker
is a member of the iPoker network, offering online Texas Hold'em, Omaha and Stud Poker games.
At the UK-based Ladbrokes Poker
you can play Texas Hold'Em, Omaha or Stud poker on line at cash tables or in tournaments. Ladbrokes Poker joined the Microgaming network in February 2009.
At Circus Poker
you can play Texas Hold'em, Omaha and 7-card and 5-card Stud online. Daily beginners' freerolls are held. It is a member of the iPoker network, licensed in Alderney and run by Genting Casinos Ltd, a large UK casino operator owned by the Malaysian multi-national company Genting Berhad.
Mobile Poker Now offers online poker against live opponents using a mobile phone, using software from Mobile Gaming Now. Currently only play for fun is supported, but the platform has the potential to allow money play in future.
Dream World Poker is a free online poker room whose focus is to allow players to create and test poker playing agents (bots) that will interact with other players and agents.
Celeb Poker offers the opportunity to play online poker and chat with celebrities from around the world.
Royal Vegas Poker is an online poker room hosted by Lou Krieger, joint author of Poker for Dummies. It is also the platform at which the College Poker Championship is played.
Carbon Poker offers an unusually wide range of online poker games for money, including Texas Hold'em, Omaha Hi or Hi/Lo, 5-card Draw, 5-card Stud, 7-card Stud Hi or Hi/Lo, Razz, H.O.R.S.E., A-5 or 2-7 Lowball and Badugi.
At PDCpoker.com you can play for fun or real money. Instant payouts using Neteller; $5000 guaranteed in daily freeroll tournaments.
Sun Poker joined the popular iPoker network at the beginning of 2009. As well as ring games of Texas Hold'em, 7 Card Stud and Omaha, they offers a range of tournaments, including a guaranteed payout of $400,000 every weekend, and can arrange private tournaments.
Chili Poker
is a successful member of the iPoker network, online since 2004, offering Texas Holdem, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, 7 Card Stud and 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo.
Revolutionary Poker is an online poker room that pledges to donate a proportion of its profits to charity.
Stacks Poker is a new poker room, due to launch in late 2005. In addition to a normal 2D interface they offer an animated 3D interface showing the players as avatars seated around the poker table.
Doyles Room is managed by Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson (World Champion of Poker 1976 and 1977) together with Mike Caro. Games offered include Texas Holdem, Omaha and Badugi (four-card three-draw low poker).
The poker room Bugsy's Club
also provides tuition through the associated Poker School Online site and articles and tournament results through PokerPages.com
A member of the iPoker network using Playtech software, CD Poker offers Texas Hold'em (No Limit, Pot Limit, and Limit), Omaha and Omaha Hi Lo. All games can be played for fun or for money in US Dollars, Euro or Sterling, and there are regular tournaments and freerolls.
Midas Touch Poker is a member of the Tridx network, offering poker games for fun or money. They operate a league systme that enables players to accumulate bonus dollars while playing free games and tournaments, and there are facilities to set up private games and tournaments.
PokerShare is an online poker room whose players become beneficiaries of the "Poker Share Trust" and earn Share Points which can be redeemed for cash or other benefits.
Real Money Online Texas Hold'em Tournaments: Tower Gaming Win real money, play online hold'em. Play poker tournaments at Tower Gaming.
At RedKings your can play Texas Hold'em, Stud, Omaha and Draw poker.
Based in Malta, A-Winning-Hand.com is an online poker room offering Texas Hold'em, Omaha and Stud games and tournaments.
Now owned by Sporting Bet and a member of the International Poker Network, Paradise Poker is a well established online Poker room offering Texas Hold'em, Omaha High, Omaha Hi/Lo, 7 Card Stud, 7 Stud Hi/Lo and Hold'em Tournaments.
Poker770.com is a French language online poker room with betting in Euros. An English language version is available at Poker770.co.uk and a Spanish version at poker770.es.
Bodog offers online poker for free or for real money, including multitable, freeroll tournaments and qualifying tournaments for the World Series of Poker and World Poker Tournament.
Cara de Poker is a Spanish language poker room belonging to the Entraction Network.
Unibet offers an online poker room based on Microgaming software, where you can play Texas Hold'Em, Five Card Draw Poker, Five Card Stud, Seven Card Stud and Omaha.
BetUS Poker offers online Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi-Lo, 7-card Stud and 7-card Stud Hi-Lo with various tournaments and freerolls.
At Prime Poker you can play Texas Hold'em ring games and tournaments. The software is available as a download for Windows or as Java for other platforms.
At Hollywood Poker you can play on-line poker with Hollywood celebrities.
Third Bullet, a member of the True Poker network, has an "underground" poker room theme and operates a ranking system with various levels of player benefits.
Triple Jack Poker is an online poker room that claims to be safe for the whole family. The game is Texas Hold'em for play money only, with animated cartoon players, side bets, and the opportunity to throw tomatoes and pies at your opponents.
Planet Poker offers an on-line game of Texas Hold'em at set stakes.
Backgammon Masters - Poker offers an online poker game and a collection of brief articles about poker.
Get Minted Poker, run by the Cashcade group based in Alderney, Channel Islands, offers a UK-oriented on line poker room, using Pounds Sterling as the currency.
The Poker Pulse site offers live statistics of the numbers of people playing in various on-line poker sites.
Poker.com is a portal with online poker rooms reviews, plus information on poker tournaments, poker variants and other resources.
Pokerlistings.com provides reviews of numerous on line poker rooms.
The Holdem Review site has useful reviews of major online poker rooms, with special attention to those that accept American players, plus articles about strategy and a blog with poker news.
Nick Mitchell's Poker Websites is a directory of online poker rooms and other poker web sites with various types of resources. The sites are reviewed and classified according to games offered, operating system, traffic and other relevant criteria.
Mark Warner's The Poker Divide provides reviews of online poker rooms concentrating on criteria of particular interest such as size, acceptance of US players, Mac compatibility, easy competition, quality of software and so on.
Poker 4 America lists online poker rooms that welcome American players.
BestPokerSites.org has reviews of recommended online poker rooms in various countries, and where particular poker variants can be played.
Poker for Free specialises in providing information on playing free online poker - prize tournaments with no entry fee (freerolls) and rooms that offer bonus money with which to play without an initial deposit. Here you can also find poker rules, advice on strategy, news, reviews of poker rooms and books, and many other resources. Available in English, Dutch, German and Italian.
The French language site Casino Poker Gratuit provides information on poker rules, variations and strategies plus revoews of online poker rooms.
The site Le Poker en Ligne offers a French language guide to on-line poker rooms.
Poker24.pl is a Polish language site with online poker room reviews, guides to poker rules and strategy, news and other resources.
The USA Poker Portal site offers free online multiplayer poker and blackjack games for fun. These can be customised and branded to run as part of your own web site.
MJ's Party Poker Playing Guide offers information and help for players who use the Party Poker online poker room.
The Poker Works site provides online poker room reviews, a tournament calendar, and strategy articles. It features a blog kept by Linda R.Geenen, a professional dealer at the Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas.
The Online Poker Tourneys site provides a listing of regular tournaments at various online poker rooms, searchable by date and time, type of game and buy-in amount.
TournamentMonitor.com provides a searchable schedule of online poker tournaments, plus other poker resources.
The Poker Ranking site provides useful reviews, details and ratings of a wide range of poker rooms, as well as poker rules, tips and links.
The Holdem Bonus site provides information and reviews of a wide range of online poker rooms.
The Unknown Poker site specialises in reviewing smaller and less well-known online poker rooms.
Online Poker Room Reviews provides independent reviews of a selection of online poker rooms, plus various resources such as rules, news articles and odds calculators.
The Which Poker site has live statistics on the number of players in each of a range of on line poker rooms, plus a searchable database of upcoming online tournaments.
The Poker Yap site has up to date listings of online freeroll tournaments, online tournaments with a prize fund of at least $5000 and new player bonuses offered by various online poker rooms.
Casino Software India can provide custom-written poker software for running a range of online poker games, and offers features such as a webcam interface and voice chat.
Multi-player Texas Hold'em and Omaha Hi games for fun only are included in the Favorite Games Ltd. package.
Games.com offers multi-player online Poker (several versions) for play money only.
Net Poker, from NetIntellGames, allows you to play against a computer opponent or with a human opponent over the Internet, LAN, modem or direct connection.
The following sites also offer on-line poker games:
- Fair Poker
- Absolute Poker
- WPT Online
- online poker room for the World Poker Tour
- Purple Lounge
- Poker.co.uk is based on Boss Media software and support, and has an associated forum at gambling.co.uk.
- Lucky Ace Poker is powered by the large and well established 888.com casino group, which also runs Pacific Poker, and provides a Poker School to introduce beginners to the various games offered.
- Maniak Poker
- Poker Heaven is a member of the International Poker Network using Boss Media software.
- TrueMoneyGames, a member of the Melita Gaming Network.
- New York Poker.com
- Poker at Betfair - plus news items and player blogs.
- Sky Poker is a UK-based online poker room run by British Sky Broadcasting.
- VC Poker is powered by leading independent UK gaming company and bookmaker Victor Chandler.
- Play Win Poker is an online multi player poker room featuring voice chat and webcams
- Bombshell Poker offers "access to sexy women through Online Poker".
- UWin Poker - another member of the Everleaf network offering Texas Holdem Poker, Omaha and 7 Card Stud. US players accepted.
- PokerWorld Online Cardroom
- Rumble Poker
- LivePoker.com
- Jazz Poker Room
- Tropical Poker
- Cool Hand Poker
- Imperial Poker
- Pokerjoint.com for Texas Hold'em, Seven Card Stud and Omaha Hi/Lo 8 or better
- Alamo Poker
- Poker Ocean
- True Poker
- PlayPoker-Now
- InterPoker
- Game Desire
- Jogatina (Brazilian site - Portuguese language)
- meingames.de
Poker software is now listed on a separate page.
Suppliers of Poker Books and Equipment are now listed on a separate page.
See also: Other Poker WWW Sites for Information, Discussion and Links for links to further sites with poker information and resources.
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